Tax Guides
Popular Mountain Tax Services, LLC Guides For Sale
Mental Health Private Practice Expense Guide
This six-page guide provides general and specific information on common private practice mental health expenses and collated data on the average amount of expenses for several hundred private practices across the country, though largely centralized in the mid-Atlantic region. Price to non-clients: $45. Click here to purchase.
Note well: The material is copyrighted and even if purchased should not be shared without the express written permission of Mountain Tax Services, LLC.
Guide for Parents with College-Aged Students
This guide provides our advice to clients with college-aged children so they can maximize both child deductions and education credits available to college students. Price to non-clients: $30. Click here to to purchase. Please note: The material is copyrighted and should not be shared without the express written permission of Mountain Tax Services, LLC.
Guide for Ex-Patriots Living Abroad
This guide provides information on tax and bank reporting for Americans living any where in the world. Price to non-clients: $30. Click here to to purchase. Please note: The material is copyrighted and should not be shared without the express written permission of Mountain Tax Services, LLC.